Online Safety at Oxford Gardens Primary School
Summer Update 2023 - click here to access Trend Micro where you can access lots of engaging resources and simple explanations about setting screen time limits / online gaming limits etc
Autumn Update 2022 - Click here for the latest guidance on Social Media and Mental Health for Parents/Carers
Summer Update 2022 - Click here for the latest National Online Safety Guide for Under 5's
Spring Update 2022 - Click here for the latest guidance on YouTube for Parents/Carers
At OGPS, we aim to ensure all of our pupils enjoy the many benefits of technology. However, we cannot ignore the risks that can be associated.
It’s essential to be realistic – banning the internet or technology will often make a child less likely to report a problem.
Education around safe use is essential.
Throughout school we aim to teach children:
- about the impact of cyber-bullying and what to do if they have been affected
- to question validity and reliability of information through a web-based source
- to be vigilant when communicating online and recognise that people may not always be who they say they are
- be sensible with the information they share online
- to tell an adult about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable
- to search responsibly for information while using internet browsers
OGPS Online Safety Policy 2021
We understand that a lot of our pupil’s time online will be at home, away from our school filters so we have put together a useful list of resources that you may find helpful to keep your children safe online.
Useful resources and links:
- Thinkuknow -
- Internet Matters -
- National Online Safety -
- Childnet -
- CEOP -
- BBC’s Own It -
- Safe to net -
- Common sense media -
A guide to apps & social media:
The number of apps and social media platforms available to your children is always increasing, and existing apps are constantly updating. We recommend that you visit Net Aware to keep up to date with the latest and most current advice to ensure you know what they do, how you can limit their features as well as recommended age instructions.
Some of the apps covered are:
- Fornite
- Snapchat
- YouTube
- Minecraft
- Clash of Clans & Clash Royale
- Kik
- Tiktok