At Oxford Gardens we are proud to be a UNICEF Gold: Rights Respecting School

The Right Respecting Schools Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.

For a school to receive accreditation, it must evidence that it has reached the three RRSA Strands. A school uses these Strands and other guidance provided to plan and monitor progress. The Strands are:

  • Strand A: Teaching and learning about rights
  • Strand B: Teaching and learning through rights – ethos and relationships
  • Strand C: Teaching and learning for rights – participation, empowerment and action

What UNICEF had to say about OGPS after their Gold accreditation visit:

‘It was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life. Strengths of the school include:

• Very articulate children who demonstrated an exceptional knowledge and understanding of rights. They knew a wide range of articles and were confident in the concepts of rights.

 • Explicit links to rights in all areas of the school’s work - visible on displays and linked across the curriculum.

• A strategic approach of senior leaders and the RRSA Lead to use the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as a framework and driver for the School Development Plan and all practice in school.

 • Excellent support provided to children and families to aid their recovery from the trauma of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and Covid, underpinned by rights.

• A nurturing family atmosphere with strong relationships with parents and carers who also value the school’s rights respecting work.

• A strong culture of inclusivity and respect which is understood and articulated by children and adults alike.

• Engaging fundraising and awareness projects relating to children’s rights led by pupils.’

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