Free Workshops and Courses for Parents and Carers: 

(Any workshops or events held at OGPS will be added to the school calendar). 


Family Support:

EarlyHelp- click here to access Early Help in Kensington and Chelsea. Early Help is an integrated 0-19 (25 with SEND) service that aims to help families when difficulties first begin so that we can support them with finding solutions quickly. 

Family Advice and Financial Support- click here for information about different types of financial support:

FamilyLine- click here to for a free parent service (open Monday to Friday 9am-9pm). This service offers free emotional support, information and guidance on family relationships (including siblings, conflict, parenting, caring, financial worries and more). 

K&C Foodbank Vouchers- click here for info on how to access Kensington & Chelsea foodbank vouchers and free meal support.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme- click here for information about the HAF Programme. This Department for Education (DfE) funded initiative provides free activities and food provision for children aged 4 to 16 eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) during the Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays. See link here: Family Hub- RBKC Holiday Activities and Clubs

Things To Do Locally- click here for activities and things to do in your local area.

NHS Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service- click here for more information on how you can access a range of different therapies and groups, and receive long-term support. Click here for Self-Referral- NHS Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service


Health & Wellbeing Advice: 

FamilyHub: Health & Wellbeing for Children Under 5- click here for health related advice, guidance and information about local health services available to prospective and new parents and to children under the age of 5.

FamilyHub: Health & Wellbeing for Children Over 5- Click here for health related advice, guidance and information about local health services available to prospective and new parents and to children over the age of 5.

Healthier Families- click here for healthy eating tips, recipes and fun food related activities for your kids.

Register for Better Health- click here to register for tips and advice on how to support your child with healthy eating. 


Mental Health Support for Parents and Carers: 

(These resources are here for guidance, please seek further support and advice from a GP/mental health professional).  

Free NHS-approved wellbeing apps, self-assessments and workbooks- Good Thinking is a website that includes NHS-approved wellbeing apps, self-assessments and free downloadable workbooks.

NHS Approved Self Assessment for sleep, stress, anxiety, and depression- Take a clinically developed self-assessment to get a guiding diagnosis and helpful resources for sleep, stress, anxiety, and depression (see a GP/professional for a diagnosis).

Free Mind Plan- Answer 5 questions to get a personalised mental health action plan, with tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Parents A-Z Mental Health Guide- Information about mental health conditions and what support is available.

5 steps to mental wellbeing- 5 steps to help improve your overall mental wellbeing. 

Trauma Workbook- Free downloadable workbook, created by trauma expert Caroline Harrison, a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist at the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. This workbook provides a series of techniques for people who may experience overwhelming emotions (anger, fear despair), flashbacks, intrusive memories, nightmares, engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms. 

Getting Better Sleep Workbook- Free downloadable workbook on how to improve sleep hygiene, created by Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist Majella Cogan and London’s digital mental wellbeing service Good Thinking.

Parents’ Survival Guide – Advice on how to support young people experiencing poor mental health.

Young Minds Parents Helpline- A free helpline offering advice on mental health concerns you may have as a parent.

Anna Freud: Guidance for Parents and Carers- Advice on how to support your child experiencing poor mental health. 

Looking out for Children and Young People- Free downloadable workbook created by London's digital mental wellbeing service Good Thinking. This workbook aims to help parents and carers support their child if they are struggling with their mental health.


For further information and advice on how to best support your child's mental health, please see the 'Mental Health and Wellbeing' section on our 'children' page. 

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