Purpose of Pupil Premium

The Government introduced Pupil Premium in 2011.  The Pupil Premium is additional funding paid to schools to support their eligible pupils and diminish the difference in attainment and progress between them and their peers.

Disadvantaged pupils are pupils that have been recorded as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years (Ever 6 FSM) or pupils in care who have been continuously looked after for more than six months by the local authority (Looked After Child).  The funding for the financial year 2022-23 is £1385 per pupil.   For Looked After Children; or children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order; the funding is £2410 per pupil.

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. We urge parents to register their child as eligible for FSM.

Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment and progress and are accountable to the DfE who will include the achievements in their performance tables.


Statement of Intent 

At Oxford Gardens, we expect all pupils to achieve their potential, regardless of background or starting point.  This ‘Defeating Destiny’ ethos is embedded in everything that we do. We strive to create a culture of excellence, equipping all our young people to become resilient, life-long learners, with the creative skills to face life’s challenges with innovation and desire to succeed.  We strive to ensure that our pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds learn how to read fluently and widely and also to develop a love of reading.  They will be able to express themselves clearly and confidently and recognise that their voice is valued.  Through our rich curriculum, we ensure that children leave our school with a wealth of real-life experiences, which build on their sense of purpose, meaning, belonginess and desire to make a contribution to society.

Our current pupil premium strategy helps us achieve this by allowing us the opportunity to remove some of the barriers to learning and to provide opportunity for small group support, which is focussed on targeting specific areas of need.

The key principles of our strategy plan are:

1. An ethos of high achievement for all pupils. We expect pupils to reach their potential; we do not stereotype disadvantaged pupils or believe that they face the same barriers.

2. Early and targeted support for behaviour and attendance.  We recognise that good attendance and positive behaviour for learning form the foundation of a successful school experience.

3. High quality teaching for all pupils. We recognise that quality first teaching in the classroom is the most effective way to raise standards. 

4. Tailored support for individual learning needs.  We identify pupils’ needs and provide individualised support if required.

5. Effective staff deployment. We use the most skilled staff to work with the pupils who need most support.

6. Use of assessment and data to monitor the impact. We are constantly using assessment data to monitor the impact of our work and make adjustment as necessary.

7. Clear Leadership. We set extremely high aspirations for staff and hold everyone accountable for raising attainment.


Barriers for Disadvantaged Pupils

At Oxford Gardens Primary School we have identified a number of barriers which disadvantaged pupils (those entitled to Pupil Premium) may face through their time with us.  These are barriers which can impact on pupils’ attainment, progress and wellbeing, particularly in comparison to their peers.

1          Arrival in school with below average attainment, especially in Communication and Language and Literacy.

2          Decreased likelihood of fulfilling complete academic potential.

3          Fewer opportunities outside of school for enrichment and wider personal development.

4          Inconsistent attendance and punctuality.

5          Increased risk of social and emotional difficulty

6          Catch up.  Levels of engagement in remote learning and in school education varied during the partial school closures during the academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21.  As a result, there are some pupils who need to catch up in order to ensure that they are working at or above age-related expectations.

7          Decreased parental involvement


How OGPS uses its Pupil Premium

At Oxford Gardens, we target our use of Pupil Premium funding to remove the barriers we have identified and improve standards for eligible pupils.  In 2022-23, Pupil Premium eligible pupils form 59% of the school population.

We do this through three main funding categories:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Targeted Academic Support
  • Wider Strategies

We track our expenditure carefully through the year, and we are continuously assessing the impact of this funding.

In the academic year 2022-23, we expect to receive £196,670 of Pupil Premium Funding and £20,735 of Recovery Premium funding.

We review our Pupil Premium funding in line with the financial year (April-April), however we measure its impact in line with the academic year (September-September).

We are constantly measuring the daily impact of our Pupil Premium expenditure, however this will next be reviewed formally in September 2023.

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