Parent Consultations


I hope you all had an enjoyable half term and the children are rested and energised for what will be another packed half term of exciting learning opportunities.


In order for each of our children to BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE, teachers and parents need to meet together to celebrate successes, agree next steps and share information. This term, individual parent consultations will be held on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th March.


The consultation slots are only 10 minutes so please make sure you arrive on time to avoid them running over. If you are unable to meet your child’s/children’s teacher during this week, or if meeting after school is difficult for you then please speak to the class teacher and they will arrange another time to meet with you that is mutually convenient. 


How to sign up for an appointment:


Nursery, Reception & Year 2 -  on the sign-up sheets on the notice boards outside the classroom doors. 


Year 1 – on the sign-up sheets which will be located on the Yr 1 notice boards by the entrance door in the car park. 


Years 3, 4, 5 & 6– the sign-up sheets for these classes will be stuck on the outside of the school office. Please check carefully you are signing up to the correct class.


All sheets will go up on Thursday 28th February at 8.40am. The sheets will be bought down with teachers after school if you want to sign up then. The final day to sign up will be Tuesday 3rd March.


If you are unable to come into school to sign-up for a slot, then please either let your child know what days/times are convenient and they can sign up for you or write a note to the teachers with preferred times and days and they will arrange this for you.


The importance of meeting with your child’s teacher and being aware of their targets does play a crucial part in the development and progress of their learning so please make every effort to take the time to meet with your child’s/children’s class teacher.