So, the first half of the Spring Term has finished and everyone is looking forward to a rest and time with family and friends.

Before we sign off for a week away, we have a few pieces of news to share.

1) Thomas's Schools Foundation Readers' Cup - Our amazing Year 6 Team completed an outstanding performance to win their Semi-Final. A HUGE well done to all of our dedicated readers and a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Ms Clare for all her hard work and on-going inspiration. Click here for a full report

2) World Book Day is coming .........

As part of the World Book Day celebrations this year, there is nationwide campaign to help change children’s lives, by making story-sharing a habit of a lifetime and creating readers for life. The mission for 2020 is to Share A Million Stories and spread the love of books and reading for pleasure, both in school and at home. This mission will start on the 27th February – 29th March 2020.


Sharing a story is being read to or reading with an adult, sibling, friend – or pet for a minimum of 10 minutes. Ideally, this takes place at any time throughout the day, from breakfast until bedtime – at the breakfast table, on the bus, in the bath, or in bed. All you have to do is record when your child has read in their reading diaries. Each time a child has read, the teacher will record this and as a school we will collate how many stories have been shared. ALL reading counts towards a story share, from picture books to paperbacks, comics to magazines, graphic novels, e-Books and audiobooks. Take a look at the following website for some more inspiration on what to read:

Click here to find out more

3) Thank you so  much for supporting us to become a Single Use Plastic Free School by purchasing one of our special reusable water bottles. Please remember that after half term your child will no longer be able to bring in any single use plastic water bottles. The letter can once again be accessed by clicking here. Thank you for supporting us with this important change.

4) 'Greet your child with a smile not a mobile'. From Monday 24th February, at both the beginning and end of the day, we are asking Parents and Carers not to use their mobile phones whilst on our school grounds. In recent years, technology has advanced so much that the majority of phones have cameras and recording devices of some description. We always aim to keep our children and community safe, and it is impossible for us to know what adults are accessing whilst using their devices on our premises. With children around, this is not safe. 

We are also focusing on encouraging families to talk at the beginning and end of the school day: for example, sharing in the anticipation for a new day and celebrating exciting learning, achievements and sharing news. The presence of technology stops all these interactions which are so valuable and we want this to change.

We really hope that you will support us with this initiative.

5) Grenfell Update. Provided by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

a) Click here to access an update regarding the installation of three digital signs around the fencing at the Grenfell Tower.

b) Click here for information from the Independent Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission. This document  introduces the Co- chairs and the community representatives.

If anyone has any questions regarding the work of the Commission you can contact the Commission Secretariat directly by email; or telephone 0303 444 4831 

We hope that you will find both of these information sheets useful.


Finally, have a wonderful week and enjoy time with family and friends. Hopefully the warmer weather will be on the way when we return at the end of February. Fingers crossed !