Summer Concert 3rd July 2023 - enjoy

Music Makes Me

On Tuesday 27th June 2023 we took part in the world premiere of Music Makes Me at the iconic Royal Albert Hall. The Tri-borough Music Hub (TBMH), in co-production with the Royal Albert Hall, and in partnership with the Royal College of Music created this large-scale multi-school music education and performance programme which shone a light on the importance of inclusive practice and celebrating everyone for who they are.

Our Choir sang in the middle section and the picture below shows Taonga on the right, performing as part of the Tri-Borough Music Hub's Orchestra

Click here for the whole performance

Click here to see a report on the performance of members of our orchestra at Kensington Town Hall.

Click here to see our fabulous Winter Concert

Please enjoy our wonderful (and fast growing) school Orchestra perform their Winter Concert. A massive thank you to Ms Rozario and Ms McCarthy for leading our wonderful instrumentalists.

As always, thank you to parents/carers for your support with encouraging your child to attend their music lessons. There will be more Orchestra concerts throughout the year so keep an eye out for further communication in the Spring and Summer terms.


Click here to see our Choir performing at Portobello Road as the Christmas lights are turned on

Click here to see our Violin Concert December 2021

Click here to see our Cello Concert December 2021

Music is a special part of our community here at Oxford Gardens. We were extremely happy to return to ensemble singing last academic year and the children have continued to participate in weekly music lessons.

Research says that singing makes us all happier, healthier and more creative and also promotes skills for life-long learning such as concentration, listening and language.

All children are taught weekly by the class teacher following a music programme called Sing Up. Sing Up’s music curriculum, with a scheme of work for each year group from Nursery to Year 6, represents a progressive set of teaching resources that meets the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Expressive Arts), the National Curriculum for Music and suggested approaches of the Model Music Curriculum (Singing, Listening, Composing, Performance/Instrumental Performance).

In line with the new model Music Curriculum, there is an increasing focus on composition as well as singing. There is also whole class instrumental learning in Year 3 using ukuleles. Our aim is for every pupil to sing, compose music and perform with confidence and joy!

We also offer several extra-curricular music opportunities. Small group instrumental lessons on cello and violin are taught by music tutors each week and we have an inspirational school orchestra which rehearses every Monday afternoon and performs each term. Letters about instrumental lessons can be downloaded here or alternatively please see Miss Saeed in Troll Class.

We have recently started working with PianoFunClub which is a company that are now offering piano or guitar lessons. If this is something you are interested in then please contact them at

Oxford Gardens greatly benefit from working in partnership with the local tri-borough music hub. They are offering families access to a FREE Virtual Music School - just visit: and use the log in details below:

Username: schoolsautumn20@tbmh.vms

Logon: CGmPeyWb7USX

You can also explore other opportunities for learning musical instrumentals locally through the tri-borough music hub

 “Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.” Stevie Wonder.

Click here for information about our Instrumental lessons 2021/22



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