A very busy week is coming to a close and once again it is important to thank everyone for your support with implementing our systems and routines. We have also seen a huge improvement at both the start and end of the school day as everyone has adjusted to the staggered timings and different gates. It is really important that Parents/Carers continue to socially distance whilst waiting to collect their children, as the pavements can become crowded. Thank you for working hard with us to keep our school community safe.

This week I know that you have received several emails with information and general reminders. Here is a quick summary:

  • Home Learning is going out today and will do every Friday. This should be completed and returned to school by the following Wednesday. Home Learning is now published on our learning platform, Seesaw. You will need to use the code you have received to attach your child to their new class; please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any help with accessing it.
  • Please can you ensure that your child is reading at home every day and that they bring in their Reading Diary on a daily basis. This week we have celebrated a couple of wonderful classes where everyone had remembered. Fantastic !
  • During the next couple of weeks, we are going to start sending home library books. Please be assured that the system for doing this safely is thorough and will enable the children to enjoy a much wider range of books with you at home.
  • PE – everyone is working hard on their fitness this half term with skills and circuits to enjoy. We have yoga sessions complementing this for our indoor sessions. To make things as easy as possible, please could you ensure that on the days when your child has PE that they come to school wearing their kit.
  • This year our Meet the Teacher sessions are all going to be virtual and posted on our website and Seesaw next Wednesday 23rd September. Mrs Kent will be sending out details on Monday.


Once again, endless thanks for all your support. We are delighted with the way that the children are settling into the new year and for everyone here, it is wonderful to finally see fantastic learning in our school after such a long break.

Enjoy the (hopefully) sunny weekend and we look forward to welcoming you all on Monday.