Year 6 Residential

Day 3 - See you all soon, we are on our way !

Special Report for Day 2 Afternoon Activities


Well we did not think day 2 could get any better than day 1. We woke up bright and early and got straight to work on the farm. We began our day by collecting organic eggs from hen pen, which we weighed in a special machine. We can't believe how lucky we are to have had the opportunity to meet the chickens,  but then we got to feed the pigs; we even got extremely close to 12, 1 week old piglets. Our animal adventures didn't stop there, we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by goats in their pen, we especially liked, 3 dot Josh, Tigger and Daisy. Soon after that, we headed over to Jenny the horse to help pick up her poo for the compost (this helps the plants to grow!). 


Not only does the farm have these incredible animals, but they also grow their own vegetables - which we have eaten in every meal. 


After lunch, we headed over to the woods to learn how survive in the wild, which we realised is very similar to the setting in the Hunger Games. Here we learnt how to build dens and many life skills, such as making our own fires. Then we headed down to the stream, where a lot of people filled their wellies with water! 


We have ended our day with a chilled evening watching Dr Dolittle in our PJs. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. 

Team Residential. 


Written by Kearni, Rayan & Miss Clare

Edited by Miss Storey